The first 43 years of Lillith and Joedon's meld.
Carol Buhler
The Mind-Meld Epic Fantasy

My favorite books of all time!
01 Agent of Change
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
02 Shards of Honor
Lois McMaster Bujold
03 The Light in Exile
Cheryl J. Franklin
04 Conqueror's Heritage
Timothy Zahn
05 Dragon Riders of Pern
Anne McCaffrey
06 Chalion
Lois McMaster Bujold
07 Plan B
Sharon Lee and Steve Miller
08 For Kicks
Dick Francis
09 Icarus Hunt
Timothy Zahn
10 The Tar-aiym Krang
Alan Dean Foster
About Me
I spent sixty years working with horses in between being a wife, a mom, and having different non-equine careers (had to pay for the horses) until finally I could devote my full-time attention to them. Raising, training, and competing on various breeds in multiple disciplines, I consider myself a jack of all horse venues, master of none.
I’ve traveled the US hauling a horse trailer with my one horse on the left side of the two-horse divider, the household furnishings on the right side, and the fishing boat tied to the top. My family moved to Texas from Colorado with my barrel horse and my son’s pinto pony in that same trailer and my daughter’s white Shetland poking her nose at the traffic through the stock racks of the pickup. And I’ve hauled a nine-horse trailer with living quarters over the mountains and across the plains or desert to wherever a horse show could be found.
In Wyoming, I raised Appaloosas and went on cattle drives. In Colorado, I rode quarter horses to barrel race and Gymkhana. In Texas, I exercised polo ponies and trained parade Palomino Walking Horses. Tennessee and California saw me compete in Eventing. I’ve ridden trails all over the west on everything from a Thoroughbred to a Draft Horse to a Mule. And when we finally settled in Utah, I not only competed in Dressage, Hunters, Jumpers, Polocross, Combined Training, and Combined Driving (not terrobly well but I always had fun!), I developed the Pegasus Event Center which has hosted competitions in all the above venues.
However, I learned the most about horses from managing the Pegasus herd for over twenty years, at one time numbering 145 horses. They were competitive horses of every breed, from mustangs to miniatures to a $65,000 Lusitano. Every horse had a unique personality and was willing to teach something if a human would but listen.
To share my wonder and love of this extraordinary species—the horse—I created Lillith and her world of the future. On the planet Gareeth, telepathic winged horses, the reeth, are intelligent, loving, and infinitely tolerant. They dote on their human-like mind-mates, the don, helping maintain tempers, sharing hopes and dreams, and devoting their lives to support don endeavors. As a horse woman, I would love to have a reeth at my side.
Once my main character Lillith got ahold of me, she has not let me go. She demands that I share my horse knowledge in my stories through her, her friends, and her family.
Currently, I live in Ecuador where I spend every day reading, writing, or gardening. Riding has become a love of my past as I age.